September 2021

The following new features, deployment models and updates have been introduced this month. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Datafi support.


Each release may include updates that require the web interface to be refreshed. You can check your version from the help option on the main menu.

We recommend that you refresh your browser regularly to ensure you have the most up to date version to ensure these updates do not impact your usage.

In this update: New Features
DQL Updates
Data Policies
Data Upload

New Features

Data Apps

Data apps are mini applications that require no code to develop and then share with other data workers. A data app begins as a dataview worksheet where you can select a specific dataset and through the code view, build an advanced DQL request. The data app applies the appropriate level of data access and data privacy based on the security policies for each data worker. The advanced capability allows a single data app to be usable by any data worker and ensure the appropriate level of security. In future releases, data apps will have more advanced features.

For more details see DataApps.

DQL Updates

WHERE in the Datafi Query Language (DQL) statement

The WHERE condition is used with the SELECT command and allows you to filters the results and returns only the rows the meet the specific condition. The WHERE condition supports exact match and wild cards

ORDER BY in the Datafi Query Language (DQL) statement

The ORDER BY condition is used with the SELECT command and sorts the results in either ascending or descending order.

For more details see DQL.

Data Policies

We have added advanced data policies that can provide data access and data privacy by defining simple rules that control data access at the lowest layer of the data structure. You can now build data policies for multiple datasets, each with specific data access and data privacies definitions to meet any security required for dataviews and data apps.

For more details see Policies

Data Upload

We have updated the support for larger CSV files added directly into Datafi. These files are saved in your customer tenants and then shared with colleagues within your account.

For more details see Data files