October 2021

The following new features, deployment models and updates have been introduced this month. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Datafi support.


Each release may include updates that require the web interface to be refreshed. You can check your version from the help option on the main menu.

We recommend that you refresh your browser regularly to ensure you have the most up to date version to ensure these updates do not impact your usage.

In this update:

New Features
Data Apps
Data Policies
DQL Updates
Data Upload

New Features

Quick Start

To help onboard new users and get everyone up and running quickly to use Datafi to find, use and share business data, we've added a Quick Start. The Quick Start will begin on the first log in. It covers the basics steps of how to connect, find, use and share business data in just a few minutes. You can always stop and return to the Quick Start any time to continue or just review the steps again.

For more details see Quick Start


Data sharing with co-workers is now easier then ever. We've added the ability to share directly from Data Views by inviting others to collaborate on a Data View you create. Invited users will receive an email to activate an account and begin working with you and the data you've shared. If you are a data owner and managed datasets for others, you can also invite users directly from the datasets page. Watch for additional sharing and collaboration features as we continue to expand the ability to share and work with your team to build data knowledge for everyone


It's now possible for a customers to create multiple workspaces to publish and share business data. Each workspace can contain business data with unique data access and privacy policies. Dataviews and Data Apps are also unique to each work space. This capability allows business units and departments to setup a workspace based on their needs while not effecting the policies for other workspaces.

Chat Bot

In the October updates, we've added a chat bot that allows you to send a message and start a conversation directly with our support team - we are here to help you get the most from your use of Datafi. You can also search our growing knowledge base of support articles on anything from how to reset your password to connecting to third-party data sources.

From the chat bot, you can also check the status of Datafi, receive new product features and updates from our product team like the quick tour of Datafi.


Dataviews now support unlimited rows within a dataset - the view will load 50 rows at a time. You can use the |< < Page n > >| functions at the bottom of the view to move forward and backward in the dataview to load more rows.

The format of the dataview can be modified by selecting which columns to display and changing the order of the columns. You can even filter and sort on one or more of the columns to complete customize the dataview to your needs.

If you want to invite a team member to use and collaborate with you on your dataview, simply invite them from the share icon on the top tool bar. They will receive an email inviting them to your dataview.

For more details see Dataviews

Data Apps

Data apps now open in a new browser tab to allow you to save the link to your bookmarks or desktop.

Watch for a big update to Data apps in the next few weeks. We are making it possible to design a mini-app directly from Datafi that uses the same authentication and data security for dataviews. And data apps can be shared with teammates in the same way.

Data apps will continue to improve over time and become the goto source for working with business data in a simple and secure way. In the same way you use mobile apps on your phone to do small tasks, you will be able to build, share and use data apps with your business data - all from Data and without the need to write code.

For more details see Data Apps

Data Policies

Data policies now support rules based on user groups, time of day and even browser type. These rules, when combined, create a granular level of data access and data privacy required for business data.

Watch for updates to the policy sets in the future releases where location and data values will be supported. With these new data conditions, the ability to control access based on work or home locations will be possible. And the value of a specific data field can be used within the policy set.

For more details see Policies

DQL Updates

USE in the Datafi Query Language (DQL) statement

The USE condition selects the dataset for the query directly from the query statement. The query statement is now updated based on the filter and sort conditions from the table filter option.

LIKE, ORDER BY, WHERE & ASC and DESC conditions are all now supported via native DQL commands.

The DQL statement is now saved within the Worksheet and can be shared with teammates to collaborate on the same business data and worksheets.

For more details see DQL

Data Upload

We have updated the support for larger CSV files added directly into Datafi. These files are saved in your customer tenants and then shared with colleagues within your account.

Datafiles can now be organized within groups to support unlimited files within a single group and unlimited datafile groups. Each datafile group can be associated with a specific data privacy and access policy. This allows for more control and visibility for files uploaded into Datafi.

For more details see Datafiles