February 2022

The following new features, deployment models and updates have been introduced this month. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact Datafi support.


Each release may include updates that require the web interface to be refreshed. You can check your version from the help option on the main menu.

We recommend that you refresh your browser regularly to ensure you have the most up to date version to ensure these updates do not impact your usage.

In this update:

New Features
Data Apps
Data Policies
DQL Updates
Data Upload

New Features

Home Page

The home page has been redesigned to make it easier to pin frequently accessed Data Views and Data Apps. Personalized recommendations and history have been added to the home page so you can see what others are publishing and easily switch to the things you've worked on before. The search function has also been improved to allow searching across all system objects in a more intuitive way. The introduction of custom branding has been added to the home page. You can now add a custom logo to the home page in addition to a custom icon for the workspace.


Dataviews now support the ability to enable and disable the effect of data access and privacy rules. This features is only available for data owners. Us this feature to see the dataview based on the policies defined for the dataset.

You can easily create new policies by selecting the configure icon in the top menu. Once policies are defined, easily switch back to the dataview and toggle the rules on and off to see the effect in real time. This new feature can help reduce the potential of errors when creating new rules.

You can always invite a team member to use and collaborate with you on your dataview, simply invite them from the share icon on the top tool bar. They will receive an email inviting them to your dataview.

For more details see Dataviews

Data Apps

Data apps went through a big updated in this release. You can now create a mini application, without the need to write any code or scripts, by simply dragging the desired function from the widget list onto the design pallet. Each app can have a unique theme by selecting a custom icon, colors and design layout. This feature was designed for non-technical users to take another step towards enabling any connected business data.

The current release supports the following widgets:

Data Tables: a simple tabular format to visualize data from one or more connected datasets. Multiple tables can easily be linked to create a layered effect from different datasets. For example, you can link a customer Id from one dataset to another and combine data to see information in a whole new context.

Data Records: a single record layout to see the complete details of a data records one at a time. Link this widget to a table widget to see the complete details of a single record with all fields side by side. This widget can be combined with the search widget to navigate to a specific record in a dataset.

Search: a universal widget that can be combined with other data widgets to search for specific values. By adding the search widget to another data widget you can build an intuitive mini application that can search for a specific customer number or transaction number across different data types

Data apps will continue to improve over time and become the goto source for working with business data in a simple and secure way. In the same way you use mobile apps on your phone to do small tasks, you will be able to build, share and use data apps with your business data - all from Data and without the need to write code.

For more details see Data Apps

Data Policies

Data policies now support rules based on user groups, time of day and even browser type. These rules, when combined, create a granular level of data access and data privacy required for business data.

Watch for updates to the policy sets in the future releases where location and data values will be supported. With these new data conditions, the ability to control access based on work or home locations will be possible. And the value of a specific data field can be used within the policy set.

For more details see Policies

DQL Updates

DQL has a few new functions added in this release. DQL now supports the GROUP BY statement and aggregate functions: COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX and AVG. Some datasets do not support one or more of the standard ANSI SQL statements.

The DQL is created automatically from the UI in dataview. Non-technical users and those that are not familiar with SQL, can have confidence in the data returned based on complex SQL statements specific to each dataset. DQL is a powerful way to select data from any connected data source.

The DQL statement is saved within the Worksheet and can be shared with teammates to collaborate on the same business data and worksheets. Try this by creating a new worksheet for a shared dataset.; save the worksheet with a custom name. Then share the worksheet with teammates to collaborate with others.

For more details see DQL

Data Upload

We have updated the support for larger CSV files added directly into Datafi. These files are saved in your customer tenants and then shared with colleagues within your account.

Datafiles can now be organized within groups to support unlimited files within a single group and unlimited datafile groups. Each datafile group can be associated with a specific data privacy and access policy. This allows for more control and visibility for files uploaded into Datafi.

For more details see Datafiles