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How to contact Datafi support?

We are happy to help you with any question you have through below channels:

  1. Our support email: support@datafi.us
  2. The chat box within the App.

How is Datafi unique?

Datafi enables your data where it lives. You no longer have to move your data around in order to have a centralized platform for applications, security, and compliance.
Simply connect your databases to Datafi and it’s done.

What cloud service provider hosts Datafi?

Datafi is hosted on AWS.

Can I use SSO to sign into my Datafi account?

Currently, we don’t support SSO but will launch it in the next few releases.

Can Datafi be deployed on-premises?

Yes, Datafi is built for hybrid-Cloud infrastructure. You could deploy our edge server anywhere you prefer to meet your business requirements.

What cloud service providers do you support?

Datafi is hosted in AWS and supports native connected data sources hosted by Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.
Please refer to our documentation site for detailed information about how to connect your data to your account within Datafi services

What data sources can I connect to my account?

Datafi has been designed to support nearly any data source, including plain files, SQL, No-SQL and the most common SaaS platforms. Please review our support document for more detailed information.

Do you provide consulting services?

Yes, consulting services are available based on your needs and the scope of the services required.

I am not receiving notification emails from Datafi.

You can check your email notification settings on your account page to make sure you check the box. Check your spam filter and confirm http://datafi.us is not blocked

How do I change my email notifications?

Go to your account setting (Click your avatar icon on top right corner -> settings ) and you could configure your account communication settings.

How do I add users to our account?

You can use their emails to add new users your Business account and data sources.


Multi-factor authentication

MFA is currently not available in Datafi but is one of our top priority features and will be available in the next few releases.

How do I reset my password?

Click your avatar icon on the top right corner -> Go to profile -> change password.

How can I find my current usage?

You can find your platform usage on the Insights page.

How can I find others in my company?

You will need emails from other users in order to add them to the data source.

How can I cancel my account?

Contact our support team to cancel your account.

Do you use a screen tracking application?

We use a third-party application to monitor the platform and collect information for the sole purpose of improving our product offerings. For more information, please refer to our privacy policy.

Is there a support community

No, currently the main support channel is the in-app chatbox and email. We will build a public forum for our users to share their questions in the future.

Where can I find user documentation?

Here is the linkopen in new window to our knowledge base


Is Datafi compliant with GDPR & CCPA

Datafi has a comprehensive data privacy feature to help you meet the GDPR and CCPA compliance. You could refer to our Datafi Policy documentation site to learn more about the feature or contact our support agent if you have additional questions.

Is Datafi SOC 2 compliant

No, Datafi has not received SOC 2 certification.

Is Datafi HIPAA compliant

Yes, Datafi meets the HIPAA data privacy compliance

Is Datafi PCI SAA compliant

Yes, we use a third-party for payment processing which is PCI compliant


Can I test with demo data?

Yes, we provide demo data for you to try our features so you could get familiar with our platform before connecting to your own data sources.

What data sources can I connect to my Datafi account?

We support most of the commonly used databases in the market. Please refer to our Documentation for more detailed information.

Is there a limitation of the size of data source I connect to?

No, there is no limit on the data source size. However, the csv files you upload will be charged after you use up all the free storage. Please refer to our pricing plan to see how much storage is included in your account.

Can I use Datafi with Snowflake?

We currently don't support Snowflake connector but will have this capability in the future release. Please review our support document for more detailed information.

What semi-structured data formats do you support?

We currently support data files in CSV and JSON formats.

How do I refresh my semi-structured data?

Semi-structured data can be refreshed directly from the Dataview by clicking on the upload icon in the tool bar. Automated file synch capabilities from a local drive will be available in a future release

How can I share data with internal co-workers?

After you connect to or upload a data file, you can invite your team by adding them as a data user or as a data owner if you want this user to have administrative authorization to the data.

How can I share with external partners?

You can give access to users outside of your organization by adding them to the data source with their emails.

How can I connect with public data sources?

Public data sources are hosted by Datafi services and can be searched by topic from the data source discovery service.

How do I remove a data source?

On the data source page, click the DELETE button and enter "DELETE" to confirm the action. This action will be effective immediately. After deleting a data source, all related configurations will be deleted and can not be recovered.


How does Datafi charge us?

You only pay for what you use. We charge you based on the number of queries Datafi processes per billing period. Please refer to our pricing plan for more information about our pricing model.
Your credit card will be charged on the last business day of each month if you select a monthly billing method. If you select reserver pricing, you will be billed at the beginning of your term.

What are your account plans?

Currently, we have three account plans:

  1. Professional plan
  2. Business plan
  3. Enterprise plan

You could find more information about our plans on our website Link

How do I change billing information?

You could easily change your credit card information in your account setting. Contact Datafi support if you have any questions or have a different request.

What kind of payment method is available?

We currently accept bank wires and credit card payment. Our payment is handled by trusted third-party payment provider Stripe. Enterprise clients will be able to have different payment method through our account manager.

Is there a free trial period?

We offer a 30 day free trial for Professional and Business Plans.

What is reserver pricing?

We offer discounts to our customers if you agree to use a certain amount of Datafi Query within the contract period.